Thursday, November 10, 2011

He did it again...

escaping from the bad weather in ticino, i recently spent some amazing days with "GU"at sustenpass. while i punted around on the "highlander-project" he did not hold back and climbed through nearly all the (hard) classics in just four days!!!

"Gu" enjoying the sun at beautiful sustenpass while topping out "warmduscher, 8A+". pic by myself ;)
click for BIG view - that was while the ticino got rained out - lucky basterds we are to have that playground for ourselves cause its not an "in-spot" and people are afraid of the 40min hike... - well THATS what they miss... ;)

two days ago he had to fight (a bit) harder for once. he needed a whole afternoon to fight trough the razercrimps and complete the forth (known) ascent (after gigax, nicole, koyamada) of "Phase 2, 8B/B+". "i took 6falls from the last move - epic"  have been his words. well yeah, how about falling over month's on the last move...?! but that shows clearly his "killerinstinkt" on the one side and his potential on the "epic"-side"... ;) check out his blog for more infos.

"Gu" makes it look easy on "Phase2, 8B/B+" before it goes HIGH for a scary topout!. sustenpass. pic by

despite he was running through all this super hard boulders it was nice to see that he still enjoyed to climb every single move. the skript was on every boulder the same: we placed the pads, he tried for some 5min the moves and then he sent - totally crazy!!! 

WAY TO "GU"!!!

here some susten-pics (screenshots) from gu's 3day rampage and THE "GU"-SENDING-MOVIE (in which i mostly played camara-boy and in which you can see me fighting HARD but fail on the epic last hard move of the "highlander-project"). 

big move on "pitbull, 8A+"

rarely climbed - but its just PERFECT - "my axis, 8A+"

fred nicole classic: "le reve de faire, 8B"

short,hard, classic - "sputnik, 8B" (and "reykjavik, 8B" the prow 2m left)

THE sustenclassic: "propellerhead, 7C+". watch the vid and you now why the name was choosen!

just another beautiful, proud line: "red snapper, 8A+"

small, but great fun moves: "marakesch, 8A/+"

following the lip, a nice 8A-variation of marakesch

1 comment:

  1. ..nice pics..strong gu :-) !

    Now I know who will climb our project in tumpen ;-) !
