Wednesday, April 13, 2016

i only waited 6 years for that moment

2 day epic? try 6 YEAR epic. nearly 6 years ago i have fallen on this crux-move of the highlander-project for the first time on link. since then i must have fallen on this last hard move over 60 times... and its not exactly a walk in the park to get there... around 8B+ climbing itself up to there....

and now i was there again.... setting up for this last hard move once more;

setting up for the crux-move on the "highlander-project, sustenpass" - i have fallen here 6years ago for the first time... 60+ times over the last years....

sticking the move;
but i did that already a few times last fall but was never able to hold on....

lost my left foot - like every time during last fall - swinning out... and going down was what happened all the time....

but NOT THIS TIME - somehow killed the swing - for the first time in SIX YEARS i did this move on link!!!!
(and i even did not have the left hold in the right spot)

managed to get into the "resting point" - and desperately tried to shake out -
(at this point its up to all the couch-boulder-graders out there; its just a six move 7B from that resting point, that can't be too much of a great deal after climbing an 8B+/C... can it?!)

setting up for the last three hard moves.... going a muerte

setting up for the very last move (maybe 6C) to the massive jug up right at the lip; sticking that move would end my 16year journey with the "highlander-project..."

.....want to see what happened next? follow this link to my new instagram-account - epic for sure - what else - hahah ;)


  1. ...a few rest days and then "take it down" martin ;-) !

  2. haha, you know me, i can punt every time, everywhere.... always... hopefully it does not take another 6 years to get through the crux again... hahah....

  3. Martin, Allez-y! Sending soon after sticking the damn last hard move for the first time would have been to easy... once doesn't count :) Topping out after six years of effort... how will this feel? Hope, you won't get sad... ;) Ha, ha... Come on, you're close. Sure!

  4. haha..., thanx chris. you are right. that would have been way too easy ;) i always go for the drama..., and i may will jump down from the top-hold... just to have a few more seasons up there... cause it really is "traumland" at the moment... ;)
