Wednesday, April 6, 2016

because i want to be ready

when the good conditions line up. all ticino was soaking wet, but the weather forecast had some fön-wind and unusual warm (up to 20C) and dry weather for the northern part of swizzy for the next few days. so back i was at sustenpass. it was a long and bit scary walk and i was shoveling for nearly 4hours... there was a lot of snow on top and the rock dripping wet. but i really hoped the effort would pay off when i would return in a few days.

really "traumland" at the moment. so beautiful and so calm.

my "little" hike up to sustenpass turned out to be a bit longer... 2:30hrs up in epic winter conditions...  there was no "road" any more... not too funny and even bit scary cause of a slippery snowpac and possible wet avalanches as well...

walking up with my split board. no way to just walk up in "regular" shoes at the moment. its still WINTER up in the mountains

long walk ahead

the "road" is filled up, lot steeper then it looks here, quite slippery and even bit scary with possible more slides coming down. better be early...

digging out the pads... uffffff

after digging out the pads for 2hrs and digging another 1:30hrs for the topout... i tried to dry the  seeping boulder a bit so i could climb a few sequences. after this 5:30 hrs exercise (walking up and digging) i felt quite tired and surprised myself to climb all the hard part of the "highlander" for two times... and the hard part of "reve de faire" part another two times. the whole day was a nice training session for sure ;)

getting in some training -  still loving these moves after all the years - feeling strong - which is nice :)

i was really pleased that the two last hard moves of the "highlander" felt as solid as never before. looks really like the bit of hang-boarding starts to pay off. more finger power. i am looking forward how this moves feel without digging snow for 3+hrs before climbing on them...

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